What We Offer

Shutter and Strum offers middle and high school students in the Colorado Springs area unique opportunities to explore creative pursuits in a safe and non-judgmental environment. The program provides before-school, during-school, and after-school workshops focused on film/darkroom photography, art gallery curation and management, song writing, music performance, and music blended with core subjects.

We are currently interested in partnering with:

  • Public and private schools, offering our workshops as enrichment programs or electives within the school curriculum.

  • After-school and weekend programs

  • Youth centers and other community centers

  • Educational organizations focused on STEM education, arts education, and social-emotional learning that can integrate our workshops into their existing programs.

  • Mentorship programs, where our workshops are able to be offered as group activities or individual enrichment opportunities for mentees.

  • Foster care agencies needing unique programming support for youth creative expression.

  • Juvenile justice diversion programs, where our work can provide alternatives to traditional discipline or as part of rehabilitation efforts for at-risk youth.

  • Mental health agencies, especially those that address trauma, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, where our visual art and music workshops can serve as therapeutic interventions for their clients.

We are also continually seeking and accepting funding resources through corporate sponsorships, individual donors (see our GoFundMe campaign), and grant funding.

Overall, Shutter and Strum is a powerful hands-on program that provides an avenue for students to explore their passions, develop new skills, and build authentic relationships with mentors who are passionate about helping them succeed. Through the artistic expression encouraged in our workshops, young people can gain a sense of self-awareness and develop a positive self-image. Additionally, engaging in our programs can help youth build confidence, develop communication skills, and learn to work collaboratively with others. These skills can be applied not only in the arts but also in other areas of their lives, such as school, work, and personal relationships. Finally, participating in our arts programs can offer a sense of purpose and belonging, which can be crucial for young people who may feel disconnected from their communities. For all students, Shutter and Strum can provide a transformative experience that helps them build confidence and develop new skills that lead to future success. This is why we are committed to providing access to all youths through our educational partnerships.